Feedback Form

At Yasamca Psychology Center, we highly value your feedback. We consider it a privilege to work with you and appreciate your input. Please take a moment to complete our feedback form, which will help us provide you with the best possible service and support.

If you have any other questions or thoughts, you can email the center director, Çiğdem Alper, at

Thank you,

Name Surname
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Phone number
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Please enter a valid email address.
How did you reach us?
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Please explain
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Are you currently still receiving counseling from Yaşamca?
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Name of your counselor
If you are getting help from more than one person, please fill out a separate feedback form for each.
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For how long have you been receiving or are you currently receiving counseling at Yaşamca?
You can write the number of sessions as days, months or years.
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If you are no longer receiving counseling from Yaşamca, what was the reason for termination?
Select an option
Please explain
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Which counseling service do you receive at Yaşamca?
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Please explain
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Please select the type of therapy or approach used in the counseling you received or are currently receiving from Yaşamca:
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Please explain
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Please select the option that best reflects your experience regarding communication with your counselor
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Please select the option that best reflects your experience regarding the topics discussed with your counselor
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Please select the option that best reflects your experience regarding your counselor's working style (technique, approach, etc.)
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If you have any additional feedback regarding the counseling service provided by your counselor, please share it below.
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Please select the option that best reflects your willingness to recommend your counselor to someone else
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Please select the option that best reflects your willingness to receive counseling from your counselor again in the future
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Please select the option that best reflects whether the changes you made during counseling with your counselor were long-lasting
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If you have any additional feedback regarding the changes you have made with your counselor
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Have you experienced any issues with Yaşamca's operations?
You can select multiple areas.
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Please explain
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How would you rate the information provided before counseling?
Select an option
Would you recommend Yaşamca to others?
Select an option
If you have any additional comments you would like to share or if you would like us to contact you regarding your experience, please let us know.
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