I received my bachelor’s degree from the Department of Guidance and Psychological Counseling at Bogazici University in 2001, and my master’s degree from the Department of Clinical Psychology at Dogus University in 2006. I have been continuing my clinical work in Urla since 2017, in addition to my work in Istanbul and Antalya. Since 2020, I have been working with adult individuals at Yaşamca Psychology, mainly based on psychodynamic approach, cognitive therapy, and EMDR practices. I also perform neuropsychological evaluations for individuals experiencing forgetfulness, attention problems, and learning difficulties.
Since 2005, I have completed and continue to participate in supervision and trainings that contribute to my education. These include Gestalt Method and Application with Nita Scherler (2005), Psychoanalytic Therapies with Yavuz Erten (2007), Psychoanalytic Theoretical Education with the Projective Tests Association (2015), EMDR I (2019) and EMDR II (2020) and Dynamic Psychotherapy Education with Doğan Şahin (2022), as well as individual dynamic supervision.
Other trainings and seminars I have attended are as follows:
- Basic Concepts and Clinical Structures of Lacan with Simay Karakaş (2021)
- EMDR Cognitive Intervention Training with Specialist Psychologist Şirin Atçeken (2021)
- COMPASS Performance Improvement Program for Exams with Dr. Olcay Güner (2020)
- Introduction to Art Psychotherapies with the Art Psychotherapies Association (2020)
- EMDR I Level for Children and Adolescents with Prof. Dr. Ümran Korkmazlar (2020)
- Projective Evaluation of Children’s Drawings with Funda Akkapulu (2016)
- Experiential Play Therapy Intensive Training with Byron & Carol Norton (2013)
- 3rd National Alzheimer Congress with the Alzheimer’s Association (2013)
- 6th Neuropsychiatry Days with the Neuropsychiatry Association (2013)
- KDT Methods in Panic Attack Treatment with Prof. Dr. Mehmet Z. Sungur (2012)
- 6th International Cognitive Neuroscience Meetings with WFN (2009)
- 2nd Neuropsychiatry Days with the Neuropsychiatry Association (2009)
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Depression Treatment with Dr. Emel Stroup (2007)
- 5th World Congress of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies with WCBCT (2007)
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Personality Disorders with Christine A. Padesky (2006)
- 36th European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Congress with EABCT (2006)
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Anxiety Disorders with Prof. Tom Borkovec (2005)
After completing the BILNOT neuropsychological evaluation training in 2008, I was accepted to the Neuroscience PhD Program at Istanbul University DETAE while doing my internship at Istanbul University Capa Neuropsychology Laboratory. During this time, I also applied neuropsychological evaluations to individuals at Acıbadem Hospital and worked as a part-time lecturer at Arel and Bahcesehir Universities’ Psychology Departments. Among the professional support projects I have participated in are my role as an educator in the child support and development program carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Family and Social Policies in 2015 and the EMDR Trauma Care Project in 2020.”